Kayaking in Venice: What are the best ways to go boating?

Kayaking in Venice: What are the best ways to go boating?

Venice is built on 117 islands and they’re connected by 400 bridges. Two transport options include getting around in boats or walking. Imagine a life without cars and trucks? Imagine going to Venice and not getting on a kayak, a gondola, or a water bus? When you visit Venice in Italy, you will go boating and luckily there’s a range of options to fit your budget.

Low budget ways to travel the canals

If your budget is tight, buy a ticket for the vaporetto – the equivalent of a bus in Rome. While the price is higher than a bus ticket in other Italian cities, if you take the Line 1 route, the water bus stops often. Boating down the Canal Grande and pulling over every so often is like treating yourself to a budget tour.


Four bridges cross the Canal Grande but they are busy and packed with tourists in season. If the boat tours leave you out of pocket, you can still experience a short ride on a traghetto. These boats look similar to gondolas but carry more people. Locals stand rather than sit, as the boat ferries them from one side of the canal to the other. You’ll often be shoulder to shoulder with local Venetians, so maybe don’t photograph them without asking.


Splitting the costs of canal boating

Stepping it up a notch, if you don’t have a very tight budget, try the water taxis. They are run by private operators and don’t have set rates, depending on where you want to go. A ride in a taxi isn’t cheap, However, as they seat up to ten people, it may be an idea to gather some friends and do the trip together.

Gondolas are the traditional tourist way of traveling around the canals. Of course, it’s more of a touristy thing to do, but you are a tourist and that’s okay. In season there are more tourists than Venetians and they appreciate you visiting their hometown. One good thing about the rates for gondolas is that fixed rates mean you know what you’re getting. The rates cover the boat hire rather than the number of people, so split the cost with a friend and go do something romantic.

Take a kayak tour around the smaller canals

Kayaks are probably the best way to get around the canals of Venice in Italy. They bring a different type of boating experience as you stay off the main canal and head to the “backstreets” so to speak. Here, you get to see how the real people live. Of course, while you’re at it you also help to conserve the ancient city as your vessel is one hundred percent eco-friendly.

Under the watchful and experienced eye of your knowleable guide, your trip is safe and interesting. When you book your private or group tour with Reak Venetian Kayak, also ask them about their night tours for a magical experience.

No matter what your budegt is, you can still experience Venice in Italy on the waters of the canals, and take home boasting rights of your boating adventures.

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